KFC Fried Chicken Suntan Lotion

Posted by on Aug 23, 2016 in A Featured Post, Florida Memes

Have you ever taken Fried Chicken to the beach for a picnic? Those gulls just flock to the smell, while it is a little cannibalistic, covering yourself in lotion that makes you smell like Fried Chicken just seems like a bad idea to me… The publicity KFC is getting from this however is rather amusing. The free samples are gone for now, but they may be back….
You can check on it here. https://www.kfc.com/extra-crispy-sunscreen/
KFC Fried Chicken Suntan Lotiion


About Sam Lee

Marketer, Photographer, and Meme Generator. Floridian since 96, accepting all friend request. Check out my photography on South Florida H20 and Our Kite Surfing Group.
