Charles Bukowski fire Quote

Posted by on Jul 14, 2015 in A Featured Post, Life Quotes, Quotes

Its been about a year and half since I started posting to this blog, and by far the most popular post I have ever created is a Charles Bukowski Quote. “Do you remember who you were, before the world told you who to be.” I am basing this number on the amount of times it has been re-pinned. I have another quote about Having the soul of a hippie, that actually gets more page views, but the Bukowski Quote has been shared almost four times as many times, making it the reigning champ.

Another great quote by Charles Bukowski

Charles Bukowski fire Quote

“What matters most is how well you walk through the fire.” – Charles Bukowski


With that in mind, I have been looking for another great quote by Charles Bukowski, and I finally found one… I’m not sure that this has the impact of the other (It is a really great quote), but this resonated with me… I hope you enjoy, and if so, please share on other social media. As you can see I do pretty good on Pinterest. I need help with all the others…

more Bukowski quotes


About WFP Quotes

Daily inspirational quotes about life, being in love, the beach, fishing, and success. Positive popular quotes and sayings about friends, motivation, succeeding, and wisdom. Sometime the quotes are a breakups, moving on, but mostly just finding your happiness. Quotes that motivate by Waterfront Properties
