Steal This – your guide for creating social media stuff

Steal This – your guide for creating social media stuff

Posted by on Jun 13, 2014 in Rachel's Blog

If your in need of inspiration, or wondering why your stuff is not getting the engagement others are, then maybe your content just isn’t that good. I am not saying that mine is always great, and quite frankly I don’t know if anyone is ever going to read this, so who am I to say your content isn’t good.

The bottom line is, we can always improve, and nothing is original anymore.

I hope this will be inspirational to someone out there, the original was very inspirational to me.

About Rachel Thomson

I am a part of the Internet Marketing team at Waterfront Properties & Club Communities , a family-owned business. I started working here in high school doing search engine optimization, and now after college I am back doing it full time. Along with SEO, I currently work on advertising, marketing, and social media projects.
