Pearl Jam performs “Let it Go” from Frozen

Thanks to Dustin Pardue for this great picture from the show. Be sure to check out his blog on the examiner
During a performance in Milan Italy, Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam performed 30 seconds of Let it go from Frozen.
While my first reaction was “Blasphemy!
I decided I needed to hear it, and as I was googling the video, I thought to myself,
“I bet Eddie has some young daughters in his household…”
and a little research discovered he does have two young girls in his house, 5 and 10.
Any father with young daughters will tell you, most households are pretty “Frozen” right now.
I hear the song almost daily, and my two year old daughter would watch the movie every day if I let her.
So I get it Eddie, I too know about the same amount of the lyrics you sang, and despite what people commented on the video, you rocked it brother.
Let it go takes about 30 seconds of the two songs in the video posted below.
Jump to 8:25, to hear Eddie Vedder sing Let it go from Frozen
About Thomas Strubinger
Husband, Father, Foodie, Cardinal Fan. I am just an average joe, trying to make my way in this world. Living the dream in Juno Beach, Florida, and raising my kids right. I believe the most important things in life are your health and happiness.